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SmartWiz Travel Tips
With over 100+ years of Travel Experience from our BookingWiz staff we share the most interesting travel tips to help you save time and money.
Wrong hotel wrong night!
The only thing worse that than staying at the wrong hotel is staying at the wrong hotel on the wrong night!

Today our Wiz will explain ways to select the correct hotel based on when you travel. If you will accept the premise that there are two basic types of hotels, Business and Leisure, what follows should make sense to you.

Business hotels tend to be full during the week but occupancy falls significantly on the weekends. What this means to you, the leisure traveler, is an opportunity to take advantage of a property that will probably add incentives to make your stay much cheaper than if you stay in the typical discount motel/hotel.

These extras may include free “real” breakfast for your family of four, free parking, late checkout and occasionally items like cash coupons for nearby shopping or entertainment venues.

If you do travel week days, you may find mid price chains are a better value so as with all bargains check all the options.

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